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What is the Broadening Wedge Ascending (Bullish) Pattern?

The Broadening Wedge Ascending pattern forms when the price of a pair progressively makes higher highs (1, 3) and higher lows (2, 4), following two widening trend lines. This pattern may form when large investors spread their buying over a period of time.

The theory goes that after initial buying occurs, other market participants react to the rising price and jump on the bandwagon to participate. Then value investors begin to sell, believing the price has risen too much, which spurs the original large investor to resume buying again. Once these activities stop, the price may break out in either direction.

Once price breaks out from the top pattern boundary, day traders and swing traders should trade with an UP trend. Consider buying a pair or a call option at the upward breakout price/entry point. To identify an exit, compute the target price for this formation by adding the height of the pattern to the upward breakout level. Pattern height is the difference between the breakout price (the highest high within the pattern) and the highest low.

To limit potential loss when price suddenly goes in the wrong direction, consider placing a stop order to sell at or below the breakout price.

Tickeron’s AI works to analyze patterns in order to give you the chance to make better trading decisions. Our tools, like the Pattern Search Engine and Real-Time Patterns, provide you with the knowledge you need to track stocks, ETFs, Mutual Funds, FOREX, and cryptos.

Statistics are what make Tickeron’s AI so powerful. Here’s how we analyze these patterns:

Tickeron tracks and backtests the stats for each Broadening Wedge Ascending (Bullish) pattern detected by our AI, and provides the user with this data so that they can make an informed trade, having weighed the risks and possibilities.  

The investor obtains statistics on the patterns that are detected by AI and what percentage of them hit their target price. They are then presented with the potential gain or loss that the investor would have encountered if they would have traded the pattern.

With just a few clicks, the user sees the following:

  • How many total Broadening Wedge Ascending (Bullish) patterns AI recognized

  • How many of those patterns reached the target price

  • The average return if the pattern was successful versus if it failed; and,

  • The average return of all patterns recognized.

  • A list of all of the securities (including cryptocurrencies) that the AI has identified over time in a Broadening Wedge Ascending (Bullish) pattern.

The AI also has different “confidence levels” to describe how likely it is that a pattern will play out, and the user can adjust confidence levels higher or lower to obtain different statistics.

For example, if Tickeron’s AI is asked to detect all Broadening Wedge Ascending (Bullish) Patterns with a 60%+ confidence level and a greater than 5% distance to the target price (potential profit), then the user would discover that Tickeron’s AI has discovered 597 patterns meeting that criteria, having searched about 4000 stocks, around 10,000 ETFs, hundreds of FOREX and cryptocurrencies. 

If you’ve never seen technology like this before, it’s because it has never been available to retail investors in this format. The idea is to provide retail investors with technology and tools to enable trading with massive amounts of data and analysis. The end result is arming retail investors with a high-powered, virtual research assistant: Tickeron’s Artificial Intelligence.

Click the link to see statistics for other confidence levels and distance to target (potential profit) for this pattern:

Keywords: potential profit,
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